Pile 1 Capital

How it Works

We currently invest on a deal-by-deal basis (i.e., syndication), seeking outside investment from Limited Partners (LPs) via private placement in a deal-specific fund. Our LPs usually contribute 80-90% of the equity and receive preference to the GP:

  • Preferred return paid out before all other cash flows
  • Principal investment returned first
  • Split share of profits above GP hurdle rate



Our funds are created as LLCs, allowing for profits and losses to flow through to investors without corporate income tax and limited liability.

Our deals are usually long-term holds with Investment timelines of 5-10yrs. However, we take a flexible approach to accommodating early redemption requests and will always evaluate early exit strategies that are in the best interest of the investors.

Chicago Bean

Get In Touch

Whether it’s to invest, share an opportunity, or connect about other business, we want to hear from you!

1802 W Berteau Ave, #205, Chicago, IL 60613
+1 (847) 567-3787